Greetings from our CEO

Thank you for your continued support of our products.

We have been producing alcoholic beverages here in Kagoshima since our founding in 1845, always striving for the best quality .
As a child growing up in a family with this tradition, I took the view of the sweet potato fields and rice paddies around me for granted.
As I grew older and asked myself what it truly means to produce alcoholic beverages, I realized that agriculture is the foundation.
The climate, the soil of the fields, and the quality of the cultivation have a huge impact on the final products. Of course, the skill and expertise of the craftsmen is important, but it all begins with a thorough knowledge of and respect for agriculture.
I believe it is our mission as producers to also convey the richness of agriculture.
By expressing the bounty of the earth in the form of alcoholic beverages, we want to create moments that make people happy.
Nishi Shuzo is rooted in the earth, still unbounded by anything, and will continue to deliver the quality that we believe in.

We thank you for your continuing support and encouragement.

Yoichiro Nishi
8th Generation President & CEO
西 陽一郎

Company Profile

  • Company name

    Nishi Shuzo Co., Ltd.

  • President and CEO

    Yoichiro Nishi

  • Address

    4970-17 Yokura, Fukiage-cho, Hioki-shi, Kagoshima, Japan 899-3309

  • TEL

    (+81) 99-296-4627

  • FAX

    (+81) 99-296-4260

  • Founded in


  • Capital stock


  • Business activities

    Manufacture and sale of honkaku shochu, sake, whisky, wine, liqueurs and spirits.

Company motto Integrity. Trust. Creativity.

Management philosophy We take pleasure in the trust of our customers and contribute to the realisation of a prosperous society through our creative activities.1. Customer satisfaction is trust. 2. We contribute to the realisation of a prosperous society through creative activities.

VISION 愛の職人集団になり、お客様に貢献する。


Rooted in Fukiage since 1845.

An endless horizon before our eyes.
The wind blows past, carried from a far-off land.
This is Fukiage, the home of Nishi Shuzo, centrally located along the western coast of Kagoshima Prefecture where Fukiage Beach, one of the “Three Great Sand Dunes of Japan” meets the East China Sea.
Fukiage Beach was named one of the “100 Best Beaches in Japan” in 1996 and it is here that nearly 50 sea turtles come ashore to lay their eggs every year from May to July.

The quiet town of Fukiage, with a population of approximately 10,000 spread out over nearly 97 sq km, has supported and watched over us for the past 177 years.
We believe that producing liquor is like agriculture. Everything that we make was born from this land within our view.
Never make spirits where they can’t be seen.
At Nishi Shuzo, it is our commitment as a “loving team of craftspeople” to be guided by the laws of nature of Kagoshima, all of which is a gift from above, and to accept Kagoshima’s climate with sincerity and grace as we strive to create delicious liquor with all of our heart and soul.

©Nishi Shuzo Co., Ltd.